Zana 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- It 's easy to see how Zana ( pronounced zah-nah ) was born out of one of True 's core values : Encouraging CEOs to turn to one another for help and advice .
- Zana(发音zah-nah)的诞生并不出人意料,因为它源于True的一条核心价值:鼓励首席执行官们相互帮助、相互提供建议。
- Hall , like many experts lending their voices to Zana 's talent pool , offers sound advice at a time when founders are ( sometimes rightly ) mocked for waxing poetic about making the world a better place .
- 创始人们因为高举让世界更加美好这面旗帜而遭人嘲笑的时候(有时候确实值得嘲笑),哈尔与其他很多声援Zana人才的专家一样,为他们提供了很好的建议。
- ( Only in San Francisco . ) Respected technologist and Zana advisor Ian McFarland recommended Burton after Tate-Di Donna explained her need for a robust platform that will scale to accommodate the thousands of users she hopes to eventually attract .
- 唐纳解释说,她最终希望吸引几千名用户,因此,她需要一个强有力的平台,并按照自己的预期实现规模化,容纳这些用户。于是,备受尊敬的技术人员和Zana顾问伊万o麦克法兰德向她推荐了伯顿。
- With Zana , there aren 't any real barriers to entry , as it 's free and available on demand .
- 在Zana的帮助下,一切准入障碍都不复存在,因为这是一种按需分配的免费服务。
- Even after you 've been using Zana for a while , she explains , your company will have new needs .
- 她解释道,即便在使用Zana一段时间之后,你的公司仍会出现新的需求。
- Several Factors Affecting Zana Tube Propagation
- 影响乍娜(Zana)试管繁殖的几个因素
- Zana 's lead developer Joel Burton is a skilled programmer and trainer who is also a sex educator with a degree in women 's studies .
- Zana的首席开发人员乔尔o伯顿是一名技能娴熟的编程人员和培训师,他还是一名性教育家,拥有女性研究学位(仅在旧金山)。