Mr nagashima admits there is little chance the party would go as far as its more hawkish antagonist , the liberal democratic party , which is mulling a manifesto pledge to change article nine of japan 's constitution , drafted by the american victors in 1947 , which forever renounces war as a way of settling disputes .
Mr. lee expressed what seemed an extraordinary sense of vulnerability , even to the words of a lone critic , while his antagonist described a compulsion - even a mission - to challenge power at any cost .
Alexander kamanin , a just russia deputy in astrakhan , says that the local party structure needed only a " push " - ie , mr shein 's loss in a fiddled election-to become a vocal and active antagonist of the kremlin .
Unlike mr chirac , though , mr sarkozy seeks to achieve these aims as a partner of america , not an antagonist .
They blame violent movies , or video games , or midnight screenings , or lax gun laws , or bullies , or satan , although only one of those things measured up in the mind of eric harris as an antagonist worthy of his time and attention .