Cheng 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Cheng and jawaid are among the program 's first 12 students .
- 程和瓦格斯都在这个项目的第一批12个学生之中。
- However , cheng and colleagues are not the only scientists with a theory .
- 然而,cheng和他的同事们并不是唯一的一群对这个现象拥有理论解释的科学家。
- Yi cheng could not be reached for comment .
- 记者未能找到yicheng公司有关人士置评。
- Ms. cheng and her family survived the disaster with no serious injuries .
- 郑女士和家人都躲过了这场劫难,伤势也不严重。
- Henry cheng , chairman , said the slowdown reflected the extremely high base last year .
- 周大福董事局主席郑家纯(henrycheng)表示,销售额增长放缓反映去年同期的基数极高。
- I also agree with cheng that there is necessity for reform . The need is huge , because we know the government today has no credibility .
- 我同样也同意李成所说,改革的必要性是有的,这种必要性非常大,因为我们知道今天的政府没有公信力。
- Mr. cheng : I 'm promoting the idea everyone should be an entrepreneur .
- 郑志刚:我在推行这样的一个观念:人人都应该是创业家。
- At 5 , cheng won her first competitive medal at a local competition .
- 五岁那年,程菲在当地的体育比赛中赢得了自己的首枚奖牌。
- But mr. cheng 's instincts shouldn 't be ignored .
- 但郑裕彤直觉不容忽视。
- Ma cheng 's book-loving grandfather came up with an elegant solution to this common problem .
- 马(马马马)手不释卷的祖父想到了用一个古雅的方法解决这个普遍存在的问题。