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- Mr clerc says maersk has made " worst-case " contingency plans for a fall of 15 % in the volume of trade between asia and europe .
- 克莱尔先生也表示,马士基已经做好最坏的打算,即针对亚欧贸易数量可能下降15%的情况做好了应急方案。
- And judging by this year 's order books , maersk 's example will be followed by others .
- 从今年的订货情况看,其他船运公司将追随马士基公司的榜样。
- As was explained to me in " the citadel " , a secure room in the bowels of the ship where everyone has to gather in the event of a boarding by pirates , no guests or even family are allowed on maersk vessels past sri lanka , because of the threat from somalia .
- 就像《堡垒》中解读的一样,如果有海盗登船,所有人都要在船内部的密室集合,任何一位乘客甚至家庭成员都不允许在经过斯里兰卡的时候登上爱莉诺娜号,因为担心来自索马里的威胁。
- The bainbridge is the ship from which us navy snipers killed three pirates who were holding richard phillips , the captain of the freighter maersk alabama , on board a drifting lifeboat .
- 正是斑布里奇号上的三名美国海军狙击手击毙了在一艘漂浮的救生艇上劫持着马士基阿拉巴马货轮船长理查德菲利普斯的三名海盗。
- The recovery in trade has been so unexpectedly rapid that maersk and several other lines have already had to apologise to customers for running out of containers after ordering too few to cope .
- 集装箱贸易复苏的速度快得出人意料,由于订购的集装箱数量不足以满足目前的需求,马士基及其它几家航运公司已不得不向客户致歉。
- Denmark 's maersk line , the industry leader , plans to begin sharing vessels with competitors on some transpacific routes , as part of a broad cost-cutting program .
- 航运巨头丹麦马士基航运(maerskline)计划将在一些横渡太平洋航线上与竞争对手共享船舶,这是它庞大的削减成本计划的一部分。
- Other major oil companies which are high in the spills league include the danish conglomerate maersk and canadian firm talisman , which both have a rig with five leaks .
- 另外一些在泄漏公司名录中“名列前茅”的大石油公司包括丹麦马士基集团和加拿大塔里斯曼能源公司,两家公司都有一个油井有过5次泄漏。
- Both maersk and dp world warned that they still faced risks from a downturn in the global economy , while they had yet to see signs of one .
- 马士基和迪拜世界港口公司都警告称,它们仍面临全球经济走向低迷的风险,尽管它们尚未看到任何迹象。
- Maersk said it sees the current slowdown expanding beyond the country 's south in the ports of guangdong and increasingly to the eastern ports around shanghai , though activity has remained stronger northward .
- 马士基认为,当前出口的放缓已经从华南地区的广东港口逐步扩大至上海周围的东部港口,不过东部地区的出口活动依旧更加强劲。
- He said maersk expects its world-wide container volumes to gain 6 % in 2013 , but that prediction hinges on a belief that europe will rebound from recession .
- 他说,马士基预计其2013年全球集装箱运输总量增长6%,但这个预测的前提是欧洲摆脱衰退。