Lem 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Trying to keep them alive in the lem .
- 正设法让他们留在登月小艇上。
- How long does it take to power up the lem ?
- 为登月小艇充电要多久时间?
- I don 't want to convince you all to turn on lem .
- 我不会劝你们不要管lem的事。
- The complete explanation of wetting hysteresis may pose quite a complex prob lem .
- 要全面解释润湿滞合作用,就会出现很复杂的问题。
- Callus induction and plantlet regeneration of begonia imperialis lem .
- 帝王秋海棠愈伤组织的诱导和植株再生。
- Wants to send lem to lompoc if he gets a conviction .
- 要是得到供认的话就会送他去lompoc。
- Eddie adams / associated pressthe south vietnamese gen. nguyen ngoc loan , chief of the national police , fires his pistol into the head of nguyen van lem , a suspected viet cong officer , on a saigon street . See slide 2 .
- 艾迪亚当斯/美联社1968年2月1日西贡街南越警察局长阮玉湾将军掏出手枪对准越共嫌疑犯阮文敛头部开枪
- They might have some other kind of corroborating evidence against lem .
- 他们一定还有其他的关于lem确凿的证据。
- We 're moving the astronauts to the lem .
- 我们把太空人移到登月小艇上。
- He 's hopin'the threat will get lem talkin ' .
- 他希望这样威胁他可以让他招供。