The radio was on low , but she thought she heard the announcer repeating that name .
Radio announcer asks - because one of your big ideas in this book is the coming of mass amateurization ?
Radio announcer asks - without financial motive is a key phrase here .
Announcer : " techwise conversations " is sponsored by national instruments .
Announcer : it 's rather reassuring for radio presenters that the human voice is such a crucial part of the human auditory environment .
One radio announcer mourned the passing of " a gentleman , a scholar , a hero , a cinema star " .
Ms. foster 's dream of a country house began when she was in high school in holbrook on long island , and her father , a radio announcer , tried to start his own radio station .
Announcer : the lebanese army is also battling islamic militants in some of the most intense fighting scene in country since the civil war ended in 1990 .
When one of the hired men broke out of the hierarchy and told the pilot to do it again , however , no one tried to hinder him but the announcer 's son . The man yelled out his name and told him to leave him alone .
Earlier , april 30 , 1930 had been dubbed as the dullest day of the 20th century after a bbc radio announcer at the 6.30pm bulletin declared : " there is no news " .