
annotating 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The chinese antique artwork , which is the carrier of chinese national history and culture , in the mean time of ingesting the history , also annotating the specitic culture by their particular charm .
- 古玩艺术品,中华民族历史文化的载体,他们在摄取历史的同时,更以其自身的独特魅力诠释着特定的文化。
- A unique feature of the datasets is a taxonomy annotating known relations between the items .
- 这个数据集中的独到之处在于,因为分类注解而知道条目之间的关系。
- You are an engineer of human 's soul annotating life 's great with your life .
- 您是人类魂灵地工程师,用生命诠释人生地巨大内在。
- This great flowering of annotating and indexing will alter the way we discover books , too .
- 注解和索引的大繁荣也会改变我们发现书籍的方式。
- Revising , translating , or annotating software without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee ;
- 未经软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意修改、翻译、注释其软件作品;
- New works created by change , translation , annotating the existed works must not violate the copyright of the original work .
- 改变、翻译、注释已有作品而产生的新作品不得侵犯原作品的著作权。
- The right of use , is the right to use the software by copying , demonstrating , distributing , altering , translating , annotating , etc. , under the precondition of not harming the public interest .
- 使用权,即在不损害社会公共利益的前提下,以复制、展示、发行、修改、翻译、注释等方式使用其软件的权利;
- Annotating the traps of manipulation & prettification to cash flow .
- 解读操纵和粉饰现金流量表的陷阱。
- Using tools for highlighting and annotating virtual flash-cards , students can select information within the text and store it for later revision .
- 使用教学工具来突出和解释虚拟动画卡片上的内容,学生可以挑选课本内的资料,并保存下来,以备后期复习。
- This treatise bases on annotating about several poems that historically forwarded down and praising qinghai sight , portrayed and depicted qinghai 's particular geographic and humanistic prospect .
- 本文通过对历史上留传下来的数首有关歌咏青海风光的诗作的解读,描绘和再现了青海独特的地理、人文景观。