
n.周年纪念( anniversary的名词复数 )
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- Anniversaries can say a lot about a country-particularly one like russia where the past is almost as unpredictable as the future .
- 周年纪念可以反映一个国家的很多尤其像俄罗斯这样的过去犹如未来一样难以捉摸的国家。
- Anniversaries are basically the mother of all romantic days -- they 're a day-long date .
- 周年纪念日基本上是一切浪漫日子的根源这是一整天的约会。
- About a third have marked their 25th anniversaries , and 6 percent have been married more than 50 years .
- 大约三分之一的夫妻已度过了二十五周年庆,百分之六的夫妻结婚超过50年。
- Bolder reforms in these twoareas would increase the odds of a more positive verdict from future currency reform anniversaries .
- 在这两个领域进行更大胆的改革,可增加它在以后的汇改周年获得更正面评价的几率。
- Milestone birthdays and anniversaries are the top two events for a celebration vacation , according to the monitor .
- 监测发现,意义重大的生日和周年纪念是庆祝型度假的两大组成部分。
- Wedding anniversaries are very special times .
- 结婚纪念日是很特别的日子。
- Men forget birthdays , valentine 's days , wedding anniversaries and often buy christmas presents without much thinking .
- 男人忘记生日、情人节、结婚纪念日,常想也不想地就买圣诞礼物。
- Although this will take years to build fully , if successful it could make pandemic anniversaries a thing of the past .
- 虽然这将需要几年时间才能全面建立起来,一旦成功,将使流行病纪念日成为过去。
- Pollsters say that while public enthusiasm for war anniversaries may be undimmed , fewer and fewer russians appear keen on bringing back the name of stalingrad .
- 民意调查者说,当公众热心于战争纪念日可能清楚,越来越少的俄罗斯人显得热衷于带回斯大林格勒的名字。
- In a year of harder economic times and sensitive political anniversaries , the authorities are especially edgy .
- 在经济处于低谷、政治处于敏感期的这一年里,当局的噪怒也可能随时一触即发。