It is a very robust system for aggregation , filtering , and recommendation .
That is , connecting information across the web creates new value and is more than simple aggregation .
Probably the most common platelet function defect is the irreversible inhibition of thromboxane ( which is necessary for platelet aggregation ) caused by aspirin administration .
Mr shirky wrote in " the case against micropayments " that for online payments to work , they must incorporate offline solutions : aggregation , subscription and subsidy .
This is not aggregation proving its worth in an attention economy , those staffers suggest .
News aggregation by search engines is a symptom of this shift , not its cause .
For $ 98 a year , paying users will get access to echo 's aggregation features and real-time updates .
In the never-ending ripple effect of evolution , publishers evolved to take advantage of the networks by amassing audience through mechanized content aggregation and search engine optimization , building audience for such a low investment that very low advertising revenue-rates would still be profitable .
The most important changes would be better signalling of demand and the aggregation of supply-chain management in one place for boeing and its six main production partners .
Coupled with the facebook apps that integrate twitter , friendfeed , and more into the service , aggregation is becoming a strong area for facebook .