Tightened restrictions , political aggravation and economic conditions seem to be having an effect .
Without further adjustments , there will be an aggravation of the negative feedback loops that have been so detrimental to global welfare .
Being ushered into the exam room , only to be left shivering in a paper gown , to wait some more , adds to the aggravation .
In the short term , the fallout in asia of a further aggravation of the european crisis would be serious . This is partly because europe is a large export market but also because european banks are big players in singapore and hong kong , as well as major providers of trade finance .
That he held this heresy was a further aggravation of his silence and secrecy and inwardness of disposition .
The aggravation of her condition resulted from lack of care .
The robot monitors a child 's emotions by measuring minute changes in heartbeat , sweating , gaze , and other physiological signs , and when it senses boredom or aggravation , it changes the game until the signals indicate the child is having fun again .