When peripheral europe lost its status as producers of safe and liquid stores of value , the safe asset shortage was aggravated once again .
Today mother 's condition aggravated !
I hurt my foot then aggravated it by trying to walk too soon .
As russia 's swift and deadly military response in georgia shows , the west has underestimated indeed sometimes aggravated moscow 's fears about growing western influence eastward .
The euro zone 's emphasis on austerity rather than structural reforms has aggravated greece 's political woes .
Much work has already been performed on the conceptualization and implementation of deterrence and aggravated damages .
Rows about farm trade could be aggravated by next year 's american farm bill .
Undoubtedly , the excessive leverage of some institutions aggravated the crisis .
The euro-area crisis has aggravated a chronic oversupply of cars in europe and prompted a brutal price war .
Whereas poland 's politics are buffered by strong growth and fairly sound finances , hungary 's are aggravated by the consequences of five years of spendthrift rule .