

abbr.breast cancer 乳腺癌;Baracoa, Cuba 古巴;balloon catheter angioplasty 球囊导管血管成形术;balloon coronary angioplasty 球囊冠状动脉血管成形术

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Low interest rates have reduced borrowing costs , adding roughly a percentage point to american profit margins , according to bca research .
You don 't have to be a bca pool league member !
I 'm glad to see this event grow , and moving to las vegas with the bca pool league is fantastic .
According to dhaval joshi of bca research , it was the first month in 400 that all three had risen by so much .
In fact , the additional $ 500 billion that mr romney refers to is simply the half of the " sequestration " cut that falls on defence spending , as mandated by the bca and overwhelmingly voted for by house republicans .
But dr singh felt confident to say that for five childhood ailments , there was no evidence to support the bca 's claims that chiropractic could treat them .
Martin barnes of bca research calculates that , since september 1981 , the real returns for holders of 30-year treasury bonds have been an annualised 8.8 % .
Since 2000 , according to bca , the value of assets held in hedge funds , with their high fees and higher leverage , has quintupled .
The science writer had criticised the bca in the guardian for promoting treatments for which there is little evidence .
Low interest rates have reduced borrowing costs , adding roughly a percentage point to american profit margins , according to bca research . ( Yet rock-bottom interest rates also make it less attractive to hold cash . )