
v.断言,证实( affirm的过去式和过去分词 )
affirmed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She affirmed that all was well .
- 她肯定地说一切都很好。
- Fitch affirmed britain 's aaa credit rating on march 14th but said there was a chance of a downgrade in the next two years if public borrowing is higher than expected .
- 惠誉国际在3月14号肯定了英国aaa的信用等级,但是如果未来两年国债比预期高的话就会有降级的可能。
- Standard & poor 's affirmed greece 's sovereign rating of bbb + as the rating agency backed the government 's plans to deal with its debt .
- 标准普尔银行确认了希腊的主权债券bbb+的评级,因为这家评级机构支持希腊政府处理债务的计划。
- More importantly , the eurozone affirmed that , once a common bank regulator is created , the spanish government will not be liable for the aid .
- 更重要的是,欧元集团确认,一旦统一的银行业监管当局成立,西班牙政府对救助款项将不再有偿付责任。
- The 1990s crisis taught them what not to do , while the financial crisis affirmed the prudent choices made in the intervening years .
- 上世纪90年代的危机让它们知道不该做什么,而此次金融危机证实了在中间这几年保持审慎是正确的。
- Other countries have been less critical and following an emergency meeting of senior south korean officials the government affirmed its confidence in treasuries .
- 其它国家的反应就没那么尖锐了;韩国政府就在召集高级官员举行紧急会议之后,重申了对美国国债的信心。
- The minister affirmed that she would support any pro-european policy .
- 部长声明她将支持任何亲欧洲的政策。
- The witness affirmed the facts .
- 证人证明这些确是事实。
- The president affirmed america 's commitment to its transatlantic allies .
- 总统申明美国履行对其欧洲盟国承担的义务。
- Legal status of partnership should be affirmed in marine litigation .
- 应当在海事诉讼中确立合伙的法律地位。