

shampooing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You are the shampooing girl , you should be shampooing , no ?
- 你是一个洗头小姐,你应该洗头,难道不是么?
- Daily shampooing is your first line of defense , but if the itchiness and flakes persist , try an anti-dandruff product .
- 每天洗头是你的第一道防线,但是如果发痒且头屑一直存在的话,就去试试去屑的产品。
- I don 't remember saying you could leave the shampooing area .
- 我不记得我说了,你可以离开洗发区。
- Stacy , where is the shampooing girl , what 's her name ?
- 塞西,我们的那个洗头妹呢?她叫什么来着?
- Is there an extra charge for shampooing ?
- 用洗发液要额外收费吗?
- Do you charge extra for shampooing ?
- 洗头要额外收费吗?
- I recommend shampooing your hair in the morning , but don 't shampoo again .
- 我建议大家在早上用洗发水洗头,不要反复用洗发水。
- Many guys make the mistake of shampooing too often which can cause your scalp to actually produce more oil .
- 许多人会犯这样的错误,过度使用洗发水,使得头皮出油更多。
- A group of singing male dancers will never appear suddenly out of nowhere and start shampooing your hair .
- 永远不会有一帮载歌载舞的舞男突然从哪儿冒出来,开始用香波为你洗法。
- The mulberry holds shenzhen mermaid shampooing the enough centre is ( true )
- 深圳美人鱼桑拿沐足中心(真实)