


yam 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The incidence characteristics of yam anthracnose and its control techniques in huaibei area .
- 淮北地区山药炭疽病的发生特点及防治技术。
- To most economists , mr yam included , it all sounds a bit daft .
- 对于大多数经济学家,包括任志刚,这一切听起来有点奇怪。
- This would allow the development of trade finance in renminbi and an interbank market , mr yam said .
- 任志刚称,这将推动人民币贸易金融和银行间市场的发展。
- The hkma delegation was led by mr joseph yam , chief executive , while the mas delegation was headed by mr koh yong guan , managing director .
- 金管局代表团由总裁任志刚率领,而新加坡金融管理局代表团则由董事总经理许永源率领。
- This is one reason , albeit the most trivial , why hong kong might want to reconsider its long-standing peg to the us dollar , mr yam argues .
- 任志刚认为,这是一个原因,尽管是最微不足道的,令香港可能要重新考虑其是否继续长期盯住美元。
- Within hong kong , mr. yam has had naysayers , including legislators who criticized his pay package ( in 2008 , he earned more than $ 1.5 million ) .
- 在香港,任志刚有过反对者,包括有立法委员对他的薪酬表示不满(任志刚2008年的薪酬超过150万美元)。
- The drawer yam 't shut .
- 这个抽屉怎么也关不上。
- They worked the good yam in with the bad .
- 他们把好纱搀到坏纱里。
- Why couldn 't she have been a yam ?
- 她怎么不能变成土豆呢?
- Yam of tropical africa and asia cultivated for it large tubers .
- 热带非洲和亚洲的薯蓣科植物,由于其大的块茎而被种植。