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- And some economists , like richard koo , would argue that the similarity here is not due to the fact that both the bank of japan and the fed left their jobs undone , but because both japan and america are facing a balance sheet recession .
- 一些经济学家,比如richardkoo,会说这种相似并不是因为日本央行和美联储都没有做好自己的工作,而是因为日本和美国面临着资产负债表的萧条景象。
- Richard koo , chief economist at the nomura research institute , believes that domestic demand is stunted by a respect for hard work , which chains people to their desks rather than unleashing them to enjoy themselves in shops or on holiday .
- 野村综合研究所的首席经济学家richardkoo坚信,对努力工作的尊崇抑制了消费,这种观念把人们拴在办公桌前而不是把他们放出来去享受购物或者假期。
- Koo 's consultancy limited registered information .
- 顾氏顾问有限公司注册信息。
- Brother koo , we gonna take her along with us ?
- 长风兄,我们要一直要带着她吗?
- Cuba koo , you 're tired ? Want a cup of tea ?
- 古警官,很累吧,来杯奶茶好吗?
- Koo , does it worth dying for a glance of me ?
- 顾长风,值得为看我一眼而死吗?
- Chou koo , what do you want with me ?
- 秋菊,找我有什么事?
- Mr. koo : it was the same decision , to push the company 's re-engineering .
- 辜仲立:也是那个推动公司变革的决定。
- But look at mui koo , why she can hunch her back but looks so beautiful !
- 可是人家梅姑佝背偏偏就是佝得那么好看!
- But mr koo 's signal came as his succession plans for his business empire were thrown into disarray .
- 在辜濂松发出售股信号之际,他所统治的商业王国的交接计划正陷入混乱。