meowed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- She just meowed . I prodded her again .
- 她只是meowed。俺打了招呼她。
- Liberal tasmanian senator david bushby meowed at wong in a committee hearing as wong - australia 's first malaysian-born and first openly gay cabinet member - was trying to fought the constant interruptions and make a point .
- 自由党塔斯马尼亚参议员大卫布希比在一次国会委员会听证会上,对著黄英贤喵喵叫,当时这位澳洲首位马来西亚裔、公开出柜的同志部长,正力抗持续的干扰、提出她的论点。
- He meowed one , tilted his head , and purred , which in cow talk means , " well , I 'll consider accepting your apology-in exchange for a scratch behind the ears . "
- 他喵呜一声,歪着脑袋,发呼呼声,高的意思是“好吧,我可以接受您的道歉,作为交换,你要为我挠挠耳朵后面。”