
n.兆瓦,百万瓦特(电能计量单位)( megawatt的名词复数 )
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- Twelve miles of solar reflectors generate about 300 megawatts , a miniscule amount .
- 12英里长的太阳能反射器只能产生很少的能量,大约300兆瓦。
- Ghana hopes that garbage alone can generate 50 megawatts of electricity over the next 15 years .
- 加纳希望光靠这些垃圾在未来15年内提供50兆瓦电能。
- Just one of the dam 's main generators can produce 700 megawatts of electricity .
- 仅仅其中一个主要的发电机就可以产生700兆瓦的电力。
- The government set up the board to handle mega investment projects , including hydroelectric projects larger than 500 megawatts .
- 政府成立投资委员会的目的在于管理大型投资项目,包括50万千瓦以上的水电项目。
- It generates around 58 megawatts of power -- 25 times less than any commercial reactors .
- 它能产生大约58兆瓦的能量只有其他商业化的核反应堆的二十五分之一。
- So was their air conditioning . Connecting them to the deep-water cooling project saves 7.5 megawatts of electricity .
- 其所用的空调系统也是于那时建成的,将它们与深水冷却工程连接起来节省了7.5兆瓦特的电力。
- Today the u.s. has about 4300 megawatts of wind-power capacity installed , feeding about 1 percent of the country 's demand .
- 如今,美国境内的风力发电量大约是4300百万瓦,可供应全国需求的1%左右。
- The groups predict that u. s. solar installations will grow an additional 50 % this year , to 2800 megawatts , as developers build projects contracted during the boom .
- 据预计,随着开发商在繁荣期签下的项目开工建设,今年美国太阳能新装发电能力将再增50%,达到28亿瓦。
- Supporters of various renewable energy technologies can trot out impressive-sounding statistics : so many megawatts from planned wind or solar installations or that the sunlight falling on the sahara has enough energy to power europe .
- 各类可再生能源技术的支持者可以列出种种让人印象深刻的统计数字:拟建的风能或太阳能发电站能产生多少电力,或者撒哈拉的日照就完全可以满足欧洲的能源需求。
- According to the brazilian energy ministry , the dam , expected to start production in 2015 , will cost around r $ 20bn ( around $ 11bn ) and will eventually produce around 11000 megawatts .
- 巴西能源部称,预计2015年开始生产的这座大坝耗资将为110亿美元左右,最终发电容量将达1100万千瓦时。