Tess 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Clare was not depressed by tess 's refusal , feeling sure that she would finally accept him .
- 克莱尔没有因为苔丝的拒绝而感到沮丧,他相信她最终会接受他的。
- He 's blaming me for tess .
- 他把tess的事都怪到我头上。
- Jake then begins to fall for tess , when he notices all the characteristics he likes about anna .
- jake开始喜欢上tess,因为他发现tess具备了anna身上的所有特质。
- In february nasa will decide whether to pay for a new planet-hunting spacecraft called the transiting exoplanet survey satellite ( tess ) .
- 在明年二月,美国航空航天局将会决定,是否会再投资建造一个新寻找行星太空船“检测过境系外星球卫星(tess)”。
- She is unable to discuss the meaning of the book , which she has not read , so she improvises by turning the show into a wild romp while angering tess , who sees the interview on tv , in the process while in the school 's teacher 's lounge .
- 由于她根本没有读过那本书,也没法讨论书的具体内容,于是她即兴发挥,把节目现场整的鸡犬不宁,tess在学校老师办公室里的电视上看到后非常生气。
- Does tess know about this ?
- 泰丝知道这些吗?
- Remember , tess does not split 11 ways .
- 要记得,泰丝不能分裂这十一人。
- He persuaded tess to go with him .
- 他说服苔丝跟他一起去。
- Tess knows I 've made an offer to buy.what makes you think she 'd sell ?
- 泰丝知道我要出价收购的事你觉得泰丝会卖吗?
- I need tess hours of sleep than before .
- 我现在比以前睡得少了。