A website engine designed to generate realtime price comparisons of brick-and-mortar store products .
When confronted with the realtime web 's constant flow of incoming information , who has time for a full set of facts ?
An example is streaming trending topics on twitter into browsers . The browsers will have a realtime view on what the trending topics are as they happen .
The self-tracking of everything we do is now coming into play , he notes . This includes location , realtime pictures and videos , etc.
In the second post I explored the current era which covers web 2.0 ( blogs , youtube , myspace , facebook ) , realtime ( twitter ) , and mobile ( foursquare ) .
Article 17 whether the trust of party a is closed or not shall take the clearing data from the securities register & clearing agencies . Any realtime return or oral reply for transaction closing is for reference only .
Telepsychiatry : two-way realtime video conferencing for follow-up of distantly placed patients .
Realtime distance multimedia interactive teaching system is one of the effective means of launching modern distance open education .
Most realtime spawned units were not tracked !
Our purpose is to make the realtime distance learning use the advantage of network fully , and the teacher and student can finish their mission more conveniently and efficiently in this iconoclastic model .