

hardline 记忆方法
line hardline强硬路线的;立场坚定的adj.
hard 硬的 + line 直线,线条 → 强硬路线的;立场坚定的
hardline 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- He wants mr netanyahu to swap his hardline partners for tzipi livni 's centrist kadima party .
- 他希望内塔尼亚胡用齐皮利夫尼的中间派前进党换掉他的强硬的合作伙伴。
- Some is coming from hardline kashmiri separatists , and diehards over the border in pakistan .
- 部分妥协来自强硬的克什米尔分裂分子,以及巴基斯坦边界上的死忠分子。
- In wisconsin the unions have rallied thousands of supporters against scott walker , the hardline republican governor .
- 在威斯康辛州,工会召集了成千上万的支持者,反对强硬的共和党州长斯科特沃克。
- In some places it is sure to go wrong ; in others it may yield to hardline islam .
- 在一些地方还会走向错误的方向,在另一些地方会屈服于强硬的伊斯兰。
- The hardline approach is not driven by real national interests , nor is it supported by international acknowledgement .
- 强硬的态度不是由真正的国家利益所驱动的,也不受到国际上认可的支持。
- Mr wang 's hardline critics in the party would have reason to cheer if his efforts appeared to unravel .
- 如果汪洋的努力最终证明功亏一篑的话,汪洋在党内强硬的批评者有理由进行庆贺。
- The changed stance , which follows intense lobbying by the banks , will be criticised by hardline reformers .
- 银行的大力游说促使该委员会转变了立场,这将招致强硬的改革派人士的批评。
- Or will the center hold if necessary by again choosing the stability of an isolationist , hardline dictatorship over openness and prosperity ?
- 或者,中央政府会不会在必要情况下重新选择孤立主义所带来的稳定,重新选择强硬的专政而放弃开放和繁荣?
- In greece , the most disruptive strikes have been staged by hardline communist trade unions , with larger unions showing some restraint .
- 在希腊,与其他大的联盟所显示出来的克制相比,强硬的共产贸易联盟发起了最具有破坏性的罢工。
- These days , when it attacks him as a hardline right-winger , labour often seems to be fighting a foe that no longer really exists .
- 近些天,当工党攻击他为强硬的右翼分子时,工党似乎在和一个不再存在的敌人作战。