Had he powers of esp , this president might consult the shade of harry truman for proof .
It was lunch hour at the dig site , and the workers had gone to eat in the shade .
In the summer , it blocks the sun almost completely , keeping my home in shade .
The ruffled rust colored blooms of ' mandarin lights ' will positively glow in the dappled shade of your landscape .
Yet older oaks cast shade that enable maple seedlings to grow and maple trees block the light that young oaks need .
A dog snoozes in the shade .
Shade and bad weather like snow don 't hurt it because the panels are not flat .
Their body temperatures are determined by outside sources , such as the heat of the sun , and can be regulated only by basking or seeking shade .
The system seems to have a high degree of accuracy , but some minor issues with shade could occur .
If you notice any of these signs , cool your dog immediately by thoroughly wetting him with cold water and getting him into the shade or an air-conditioned area .