Ronald 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ronald reagan reaped the benefit .
- 罗纳德里根坐收渔人之利。
- Ronald reagan would have turned 100 next month .
- 下个月是罗纳德里根总统100周年诞辰。
- Those words were spoken by ronald reagan .
- 这些话是罗纳德里根说的。
- The longtime federal judge was appointed by president ronald reagan .
- 这位任职已久的联邦法官是由前总统罗纳德里根所任命。
- On wednesday two airplanes landed at ronald reagan washington national airport shortly after midnight without an air traffic controller .
- 在周三午夜,在没有空中交通管制员指引的情况下,间隔很短的两架飞机降落在ronaldreagan华盛顿国际机场。
- This question was first addressed in 1937 by ronald coase , the winner of the 1991 nobel prize for economics and the intellectual forefather of both of this year 's winners .
- 这个问题第一次由ronaldcoase在1937年提出,他是1991年的诺贝尔经济学奖的获得者并且其聪明的祖先同为这一届的获奖者。
- Ronald has lost his rat . I haven 't lost anything !
- 荣恩的老鼠搞丢了我才没搞丢呢!
- Promised not to love you - ronald cheng .
- 郑中基绝口不提爱你。
- Welcoming remarks by dr. ronald lu , president of the hong kong institute of architects .
- 香港建筑师学会会长吕元祥博士致欢迎词。
- According to experts ronald holmes and stephen holmes , there simply hasn 't been enough serial killers to study .
- 根据专家雷纳德福尔摩斯和斯蒂芬福尔摩斯说法,他们认为就是没有足够的材料以供研究连环杀手。