This cottonseed could serve as a high-protein food for the world 's hungry , and falls well within the criteria set by the world health organization and us food and drug administration for food consumption , the researchers say .
Texas a & m university plant biotechnologist associate professor keerti rathore and colleagues report they have genetically altered the plant to reduce the levels of the toxic chemical gossypol in cottonseed , making it fit for humans to eat .
A trans-fatty acid is usually made from a vegetable oil - corn , cottonseed , or soybean , for example - that has been treated by a process called hydrogenation to make it a solid at room temperature .
This fungus also contaminates peanuts , cottonseed , pecans and grain sorghum .
They also eat leaves , straw roots , cottonseed and water reed .
The protein-rich , gm cottonseed could be ground into a flour and made into bread and other foods , he says .
They used so-called rnai or rna interference technology that can ' silence ' a gene to cut the amount of gossypol in the cottonseed .