Rawls 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Rawls and mozi have outlined the basic structure of a society and political order based on justice .
- 罗尔斯和墨子大致规划了以公正为基础的社会基本结构和政治秩序。
- Unlike many liberals , rawls was not the product of a secular culture .
- 与许多自由主义者不同,罗尔斯并不是世俗文化的产物。
- Rawls held that social justice depended on having just institutions , whereas mr sen thinks that good social outcomes are what matter .
- 罗尔斯强调社会公正依赖于现存的公正制度,而森先生认为好的社会产出才是重要的。
- Ms. houston sang gospel in a baptist choir and , in her teens , began working as a backup singer for chaka khan and lou rawls .
- 休斯顿在一个教会唱诗班演唱福音音乐,并在十几岁时开始作为恰克卡恩(chakakhan)和路劳尔斯(lourawls)的替补歌手。
- Justice studied by rawls covers multitudinous domain and the justice principle proposed by rawls has caused the widespread influences .
- 罗尔斯对正义问题的研究涉及众多领域,所提出的正义原则也引起了广泛影响。
- Rawls argues that risk averse individuals will choose an egalitarian economic order .
- 罗尔斯认为,风险厌恶者将会选择平等的经济秩序。
- The civil disobedience theory of rawls is deeply rooted in the western natural law tradition .
- 罗尔斯的公民不服从理论深深根植于西方自然法传统。
- Examine the moral issue in terms of the two principles of rawls .
- 以罗尔斯的两大原理检验道德争议。
- Still , the feeling that southern museums dedicated to the war are racist is a lingering problem , said president and ceo of the museum of the confederacy in richmond , va. , waite rawls .
- 认为专门展示内战的南方博物馆是种族歧视者的这种感觉仍然是一个挥之不去的问题,弗吉尼亚州里士满的联盟国博物馆主席和ceo韦特罗尔斯(waiterawls)说。
- It mainly introduces the natural law thoughts of aquinas , hobbes and lays the foundation for the renaissance of the new natural law thoughts of rawls .
- 主要介绍了亚里士多德、托马斯阿奎那、霍布斯的自然法思想,为罗尔斯的新自然法思想的复兴奠定了基础。