Gianni 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Gianni , you take the coior and the perms .
- 吉阿尼,你来做染烫。
- Gianni seminari , the wine master , plans to import frozen crushed grapes from france , italy and the us , and turn them into wine in hong kong .
- 酿酒大师吉安尼森米纳瑞(gianniseminari)计划从法国、意大利和美国进口冷冻鲜榨葡萄,然后在香港将其酿制成美酒。
- They demanded a fixed time limit for mr monti 's government , a programme containing only the previously agreed reforms and a place in the cabinet for mr berlusconi 's right-hand man , gianni letta .
- 他们坚持给蒙蒂政府一个期限来实现一个仅包括先前通过的改革方案,以及在内阁中为贝卢斯科尼先前的得力助手詹尼.兰塔保留一个位置。
- ' I don 't think these have the same source as the one found on the rome metro , ' rome mayor gianni alemanno told reporters after speaking to the swiss ambassador .
- 罗马市长阿莱马诺(giannialemanno)在同瑞士大使会谈后对记者们说,他认为使馆的炸弹与在罗马地铁发现的那枚炸弹不是同一个来源。
- Gianni merlo , well-known sports journalist " gazzetta dello sport " and president of aips ( international sports press association ) .
- 詹尼梅洛,可以引用知名体育记者:米兰体育报说,国际体育记者协会年度的主席。
- That 's for recommending gianni !
- 那就不要推荐杰尼!
- That gianni 's a butcher !
- 那个杰尼是一个屠夫!
- Gianni versace spa has closed its boutiques in japan , a sign of how one of the world 's biggest luxury markets is beginning to lose its luster with some luxury brands .
- 思哲(gianniversacespa)关闭了在日本的各个专营店,这显示出全球最大的奢侈品市场之一日本在一些奢侈品牌眼里开始失去光彩。
- He did , however , exclude running for italy 's presidency , saying instead that his eternal right-hand man , gianni letta , a former newspaper editor , would make an ideal choice .
- 然而,他确实否认竞逐意大利总统职务,而是认为他的终身得力助手詹尼莱塔(gianniletta),一位前报刊编辑,将是个理想人选。
- Gianni , I need you to get the products .
- 吉阿尼,去把东西拿来。