
Poisson 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This is a real problem that 's very much on the minds of senior management , " notes laura poisson , a vice president at boston-based career development firm clearrock .
- 波士顿职业发展公司ClearRock副总裁劳拉•博伊森说:“公司高层基本上都在思考这个现实的问题。”
- If you 're not at the center of your company 's strategic aims , poisson recommends asking for either a lateral move closer , or else an assignment to a cross-functional team project that will get you there . "
- 如果你并不处于公司的战略目标的中心区域,博伊森建议,你可以寻求平级调动,向中心地带靠拢,也可以要求参加有助于你接近中心区域的跨职能团队项目。
- No two are the same , but poisson says that flexible schedules , more travel to important industry conferences , and more training -- " especially training somewhat outside your current area , like big data training for non-data-analysts , for instance " -- are popular choices , and usually get the green light from higher-ups eager to keep key people from quitting .
- 每个人都有不同的想法,但是博伊森表示,灵活的日程,更多出差参加重要行业会议的机会和更多的培训——“尤其是自身现有专长之外领域的培训,例如非数据分析师参加大数据培训”——都是很受欢迎的机遇,而且通常也会获得高层的首肯,因为他们都盼望藉此留住重要雇员。
- Against that backdrop , poisson has four tips for you on moving up -- or moving on :
- 在这个背景下,到底是往上走还是另谋高就,博伊森提出了四点意见:
- See if you can shadow someone to find out more details about the job you think you want , " poisson suggests . "
- “试试你是否能够变成某人的影子,然后借此进一步了解你所心仪的岗位,掌握更多的具体信息,”博伊森建议。
- If a move up the ladder isn 't possible right now , poisson recommends giving some thought to what else would keep you around until it is .
- 如果目前晋升的希望不大,博伊森建议,在晋升希望来临之前,你可以想想公司还有什么是值得你留恋的。
- The promotions now are happening at or near companies ' most important strategic areas , and that 's also where the money is , " notes poisson . "
- 博伊森说:“目前,得到晋升的人员往往处于公司最重要的战略领域,或处在这个领域的边缘,而且这个领域是公司最赚钱的领域。