
Frances 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Wanting everything to go right , the network flew in one of television 's best makeup artists , frances arnold , to make sure that each candidate looked his best under the hot lights .
- 公司聘来荧幕化妆大师弗朗西斯阿诺德,安排他乘坐飞机来到芝加哥,确保两位候选人在录影灯下能展示最佳形象。
- Plaintiffs edna miller and frances mackey , both corrections officers , claimed they were discrimination victims of chief deputy warden lewis kuykendall , who allegedly was sleeping with three of their colleagues .
- 原告埃德娜米勒和弗朗西斯麦基二人均是狱警,声称她们是被副监狱长lewiskuykendall歧视的受害者。
- Marion was with pickford the first time she met douglas fairbanks and it was pickford who introduced frances to the army chaplin and champion athlete she married and turned into a top cowboy star , fred thomson .
- 皮克福德介绍弗朗西斯认识了前随军牧师、与她结婚时是冠军运动员,后来的牛仔巨星,弗莱德.汤姆森。
- This subtle and intriguing new study by frances wilson , which came out in britain a year ago and is just being published in america , is changing that view .
- 弗朗西斯.威尔逊对她所作的新研究微妙精细、引人入胜一年前,这部作品已经在英国面世;在美国,也进入了人们的视线。
- She was the daughter of edward john spencer , viscount althorp , and frances ruth burke roche , viscountess althorp ( later known as the honorable frances shand kydd ) .
- 她是奥尔索普子爵爱德华-约翰-斯宾瑟和子爵夫人弗朗西斯鲁思伯克罗氏(后来以可敬的francesshandkydd为人所知)的女儿。
- However , frances said that although the first four pictures were fakes , the fifth one ( the one on the left , above ) was real and that she and her cousin actually did see fairies .
- 然而弗朗西斯说尽管前四张照片是假的,第五张照片(上方侧的照片)是真的,她和堂姐的确看到了小精灵。
- As frances marion noted at the end of her life , " I have found that it has always been one of my own sex who had given me a helping hand when I needed it . "
- 弗朗西斯.马里昂在她生命末期这样记录,“我发现总是我同性中的一员在我需要的时候向我伸出帮助之手。”
- Perfect timing , then , for a biography of one of the most influential , yet least acclaimed , figures from the period : frances perkins , franklin delano roosevelt 's secretary of labour .
- 完美的调整,让她的自传成了众多最具影响力的一个,在那个年代至少赢得了大家的称赞:弗朗西斯贝金斯,富兰克林德兰诺罗斯福总统的劳工部部长。
- When marie dressler 's style of comedy was so out of fashion that she was facing dire poverty , frances convinced irving thalberg at mgm to cast marie in a dramatic supporting role in the film frances adapted for greta garbo , anna christie .
- 当玛丽.杜丝勒的喜剧风格大大过时并面临极端的贫困,弗朗西斯说服了米高梅的艾尔文.萨尔伯格选用玛丽做戏剧女配角,这部电影是弗朗西斯为葛丽泰.嘉宝和安娜.克里斯蒂改编的。
- " This work directly links human activities to the hundreds of marine mammal mortalities resulting from exposure to domoic acid , " says frances gulland , director of veterinary science at the marine mammal center in sausalito , california .
- 加州萨萨利托海洋哺乳动物研究中心的兽医科学主任弗朗西斯古兰德认为,这项研究揭露了因软骨藻酸中毒而发生的数起大规模海洋哺乳动物死亡事件与人类活动是有直接联系的。