

transuranic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Modern transuranic research is more peaceful than it was in the 1940s .
- 现代超铀元素的研究与1940年相比更加和平。
- Analysis of the naeg model of transuranic radionuclide transport and dose .
- 超铀放射性核素输运和剂量的naeg模型分析。
- Final hanford site transuranic ( tru ) waste characterization quality assurance project plan .
- 最终汉福特场地超铀元素废物特征质量保证项目计划。
- Improvements in hanford transuranic ( tru ) program utilizing systems modeling and analyses .
- 汉福特超铀(tru)计划应用系统模拟和分析的改进。
- Example of a risk-based disposal approval : solidification of hanford site transuranic ( tru ) waste .
- 基于风险的处置审批实例汉福特场址超铀(tru)废物的固化。
- Management of transuranic waste retrieval project risks , successes in the startup of the hanford 200 orea tru waste retrieval project .
- 超铀废物取回项目风险评价:汉福特200号区超铀废物回收项目启动成功。
- Such " transuranic " elements can , however , be made artificially by the fusion of lighter ones .
- 不过这些“超铀”元素能通过将较轻的几种元素聚变的形式人工获取。
- Status of transuranic bearing metallic fuel development .
- 含超铀元素的金属燃料的发展情况。
- A radioactive transuranic element synthesized by bombarding einsteinium with alpha particles .
- 一种放射性超铀元素,用α粒子轰击锿而合成。
- Transuranic and low-level boxed waste form nondestructive assay technology overview and assessment .
- 超铀和低放废物箱形式的非破坏性分析技术综述和评价。