
[人名] [爱尔兰姓氏] 多诺霍 Donohue的变体
Donoghue 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Dr donoghue and his colleagues are now using the braingate system in a 55-year-old man , the second participant in their study .
- donoghue博士和他的同事们现在正把“大脑之门”用在一个55岁男子身上,他是这项研究的第二名参与者。
- John donoghue says the latest development using robotic arms is a major victory .
- 多诺霍表示,最新进展开始使用机械臂是一项重大胜利。
- In ancient egypt , this would have been fatal , says donoghue .
- donoghue表示,这在古代埃及是致命的。
- Dr donoghue hopes to develop the invention to the point where thought-controlled wheelchairs can be built .
- donoghue博士希望把这个发明改进到能够建造意念控制的轮椅。
- Mr donoghue of alva said the body had asked tfl to alter its advice : " as long as you avoid peak times and stations , london is surprisingly accessible and open for business . "
- 多诺霍表示,英国旅游景点协会已要求伦敦交通局更改其警示:“只要避开高峰时段和最拥挤的车站,你依然会感到伦敦是惊人的便利,商业环境也开放得很。”
- Donoghue was responsible for the first successful transplantation of a chip into the motor cortex of a tetraplegic man , enabling him to move a computer cursor and manipulate a robotic arm with his mind .
- 多诺霍率领团队第一次成功地把一个芯片移植到了一个四肢瘫痪病人的运动皮层,使他能够通过心念控制操作机械臂来移动电脑光标。
- There are novelists most notably emma donoghue in " room " who have tried to imagine what a plight like this is like .
- 很多小说家,尤其是写《房间》的艾玛多诺霍,尝试去想象这样的处境究竟是什么样子的。
- " The material is exceedingly difficult to work with , " says helen donoghue of university college london , who led the current analysis of the mummy .
- 伦敦大学的helendonoghue领导了现在这次对这具木乃伊的分析报告,她表示:“这种物质令研究极难进行。”
- Dr donoghue 's group worked with a 25-year-old man ( known as mn , to preserve his anonymity ) who had been stabbed in the back three years earlier .
- donoghue博士的小组在一个25岁男子(考虑到匿名权,化名为mn)身上进行研究,此人在3年前被刺伤背部。
- About four years ago , john donoghue 's son , jacob , then 18 , took his father aside and declared , " dad , I now understand what you do - you 're ' the matrix ' ! "
- 大约四年前,johndonoghue的儿子,jacob,当时18岁,把他父亲拉到一边表态说:“老爸,现在我明白你做了什么了你就是“矩阵”(黑客帝国!)”。