
Othello 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You know what to do , is it chess , water polo , othello or ice hockey .
- 你知道该怎么做,它是国际象棋,水球,奥赛罗还是冰球?
- As othello says to iago : " I prithee speak to me / as thou dost ruminate , and give the worst of thoughts / the worst of words " .
- 正如奥赛罗对伊阿古所说:“请你老老实实把你心中的意思告诉我,尽管用最坏的字眼,说出你所想到的最坏的事情。”
- The odd thing is I just invested in a company that uses a very similar technique to kai fu lee 's othello program .
- 有意思的是,我刚刚投资的一家公司使用了十分类似于李开复奥赛罗程序的技术。
- The basic idea was this ( very basic ) : take 10000 othello positions that are either totally winning or totally losing . Put them in a database .
- 基本原理是这样(十分基础):取1万种输或赢的局势,将它们输入数据库。
- The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space . It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by british writer william shakespeare in his play " othello . "
- green-eyedmonster(妒忌)不是指来自外太空的可怕生物,它是大约400年前英国作家莎士比亚在其剧本《奥赛罗》中用到的一种表达。
- Here , too , are the things that shakespeare himself describes : henry v 's " bruised helmet " - the very one , borrowed from westminster abbey ; and a " sword of spain " such as othello might have used , signed by its maker from toledo .
- 这里也有一些莎士比亚本人描写过的物品:亨利五世的“破损头盔”正是从西敏寺大教堂借来的那一顶;还有奥赛罗可能用过的“西班牙之剑”,上面还有托莱多制造者的签名。
- He was invited to dinners asked to salons-it was now in the flush of his first triumph that a columnist for the zeitung remarking on burke 's color gave him his nickname when he declared burke their othello their moor .
- 他受邀参加晚宴,加入艺术聚会第一次小试身手后,时报的一位专栏作家在谈到他的肤色时,把伯克称作他们的奥赛罗,他们的摩尔,这是他外号的来历。
- When I played cassio in othello I imagined what it would be like to be a lieutenant in the venetian navy in 1604 .
- 当我在《奥瑟罗》中扮演卡西奥时,我想象作为一名1604年的威尼斯水军的副官是怎样的。
- Not like speech recognition . Not like othello .
- 和语音识别不同,和奥赛罗也不同。
- They are the undisputed champions in draughts and othello .
- 它们是国际跳棋及奥塞罗无可争辩的冠军。