

Niger 变化形式
易混淆的单词: niger

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- Niger was already in bad shape before the floods started in early august .
- 尼日尔在八月初遭受洪水侵袭前,情况就已不容乐观。
- Last summer he arranged an amnesty for militants in the oil-rich niger delta .
- 去年夏天,他提出对盛产石油的尼日尔三角洲地区武装分子实行大赦。
- Over the next few months , mr tandja waged a campaign against niger 's institutions .
- 接下来的几个月里,坦贾发起了挑战尼日尔现行制度的运动。
- Meanwhile , last month niger had its third coup in 14 years .
- 于此同时,尼日尔在上个月发生了14年来的第三次政变。
- In niger it was ecowas 's alliance with the au and the west that made things shift .
- 正是西共体与非盟和西方国家联合才使得尼日尔的局势得以扭转。
- Mozambique 's coal fuels power stations . India wants uranium from malawi and niger for nuclear power .
- 印度还需要来自莫桑比克的煤用于发电站,马拉维和尼日尔的铀用于核电。
- The increased demand caused food prices to spike beyond what locals in niger could afford .
- 对粮食需求的增加使得粮食价格飙涨,以致尼日尔当地民众都买不起了。
- The researchers did an experiment in niger with a video showing how to close the bags .
- 研究人员在尼日尔使用一个视频进行了一项试验,展示如何封闭这些袋子。
- The united nations says niger is the world 's least eveloped country .
- 联合国的报告显示,尼日尔属于世界最不发达国家之列。
- Smuggling gangs continue to battle one another along the southern border with sudan and niger and the western border with tunisia .
- 走私团伙沿着南部苏丹边境和尼日尔和西方与突尼斯边境一个接一个的冲突。