Surgeon jin wang said that , because of the eel 's slippery nature , it was able to make a smooth entry into the genitals of nan .
Although the media reported that the burmese government had withdrawn their troops from the kio-controlled area , it was just a strategic shift of the government troops , la nan said .
Thinking that the eels would make him look ten years younger , nan dived into the water and let them feast upon layers of dead skin .
' It is absolutely a market-rescuing message from the government , ' said mao nan , a strategist at orient securities shanghai .
It 's how nan maitland described the " long period of decline ...... that so many people unfortunately experience before they die " .
The new deal , should it be approved , would see chinatrust buying a 30 per cent stake in nan shan from china strategic .
For fubon and cathay already sizeable operators in the sector the incentive is to keep each other from buying nan shan and becoming the clear market leader .
Despite the perception that it consists mostly of single men with drug , alcohol or mental-health problems , the majority are families , singles or young people who simply cannot afford housing , says nan roman at the national alliance to end homelessness .