

mister 先生
Mister 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Each summer , mister sipan travels to where the shepherds live .
- 每年夏天,西庞先生都要到这些游牧部落居住的地方去考察。
- For example , mister sipan found an unexploded bomb in one area .
- 例如,西庞先生在这一地区发现了一枚未爆炸的炸弹。
- Mister obama and his campaign have sharply different ideas about mister romney 's time at bain capital .
- 奥巴马先生及其阵营对罗姆尼先生在贝恩资本的职业生涯有着截然不同的想法。
- But each time , mister fulton was able to talk his way across the border .
- 但每一次,富尔顿先生都能够凭借他自己的办法通过边境。
- Mister pollan shows other ways that the modern farming of corn has harmed the natural environment .
- 波伦先生向人们展示了现代玉米种植对自然环境的危害的其他一些情况。
- Mister leibovitz says it took about ten years for them to rise to higher positions .
- 莱博维茨先生说,他们花了近10年才升上高的职位。
- Mister gerstenmaier said the united states no longer pays russia to carry out such operations .
- 葛斯坦迈亚先生说,美国将不再付费给俄罗斯开展此类业务。
- Earlier this year , mister sipan received money from the united states to help support traditional arts .
- 今年初,西庞先生收到了美国的资助,帮助他挖掘这些传统的艺术品。
- Mister loomis believed voa should report about the war honestly , without censorship from the administration of president lyndon johnson .
- 鲁姆斯先生认为美国之音应该不受总统林德.约翰逊政府的审查而公正地报道越南战争。
- During his travels around the world , mister loomis saw that english was becoming an important international language .
- 在他出访世界各地时,鲁姆斯先生意识到,英语正成为一种十分重要的国际性语言。