steal off是什么意思,steal off的意思是
steal off基本解释
steal off的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- You 'd faked your death steal off in the night together ?
- 你假造死亡想在夜里偷偷溜走?
- If you were really going to go and steal something from the palace museum there 's a lot more valuable things you could make off with smith said .
- 如果你曾打算去从故宫博物院偷点,这里有很多更值钱的东西你可以偷走,smith说。
- A fox startled from his sleep by her light footstep on the leaves looked inquisitively at pearl as doubting whether it were better to steal off or renew his nap on the same spot .
- 一只狐狸被她踏在落时上的轻轻的脚步声所惊醒,探头探脑地望着珠儿,似乎拿不定主意,是悄悄溜走,还是呆在原地继续它的瞌睡。
- When the people left their huts he would steal in and make off with their plantains or fish .
- 当人们离开小屋,它就会悄悄地进来,偷走芭蕉或是鱼肉。
- Mr peterson 's book includes an 11-point code for pranksters : leave no damage do not steal do not drop things off a building without a ground crew and so on .
- 彼得森的书包括给恶作剧者的11条准则:不伤害他人,不偷不抢,不要在没有地勤人员的大楼里乱丢垃圾,等等。
- They were just about to steal into the house when a police car came and some policemen jumped off .
- 他们正要溜进屋去,此时一辆警车开来,几名警察跳了下来。
- The car alarm went off as john doe was trying to steal the car .
- 当某人试著偷那台车时,汽车警报器响起了。
- A mouse thinks if that fly drops 6 inches the fish would jump the bear would go to get the fish the hunter will go to get the bear and I 'll steal the cheese off his sandwich !
- 一只老鼠想:如果那只苍蝇飞低6英寸,那条鱼就会跳出水面,那只熊就会去抓那条鱼,猎人就会去射那头熊,而我就可以去偷他三文治里的奶酪了。
- If you were really going to go and steal something from the palace museum there 's a lot more valuable things you could make off with ms smith said .
- “如果你真要从故宫博物院盗窃什么东西,有很多更有价值的宝物值得下手,”史密斯表示。
- That figure includes goods sold to ward off cybercrime gangs that try to steal financial data as well as goods to protect or attack nations .
- 这个数字中包括了防范网络犯罪团伙窃取金融数据的产品,也包括保护国家安全或攻击其他国家的产品。