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- With growth at anything like the current rate it should not be too difficult to carry a weak banking system and manage the debt burden which , in fairness , walter and howie acknowledge .
- 只要经济以目前的速度增长,维系脆弱的银行业体系和管理债务负担应该不会过于困难平心而论,沃特和侯伟也承认这一点。
- According to a provocative new analysis from fraser howie , an investment banker and author of a book on china 's stock markets , the role of retail investors has been exaggerated .
- 投资银行家弗雷泽豪伊(fraserhowie)一项颇具煽动性的分析研究表明,散户投资者的作用被夸大了。
- Howie ( sixth profile ) has a photo of his friend and springsteen 's guitarist nils lofgren .
- 豪伊(第六个)的头像是他的朋友,斯普林斯廷的吉他手尼尔斯洛夫格伦。
- The problem , says mr howie , is that corporate bond yields rarely stray far from the bank deposit and bank lending rates set by the central government .
- 侯伟表示,问题在于企业债券的收益率很少偏离中央政府设定的银行存贷款利率。
- " You are still looking at a relatively narrow group of investors who seem to have a seemingly unlimited pool of funds , " said mr howie .
- 候伟表示:“目前仍然只有数量相对较少的一群投资者,他们似乎拥有无尽的资金来源。”
- " At the moment the elephants have all been frightened away and you 're shooting monkeys out of trees , " says mr howie .
- 侯伟表示:“眼下,大象已经全被吓跑了,你要把藏在树里面的猴子打下来。”
- " I would hate to be the market regulator at the moment , " says mr howie
- 豪伊表示:“届时,我可不想成为市场监管者。”
- " There is probably a stronger correlation with the weather than with the olympics , " suggests mr howie .
- 侯伟表示:“股市与天气的相关性,可能都比与奥运会的相关性更强。”