
Herculaneum 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Ten tons of the stuff has been excavated from a cesspit beneath the ancient town of herculaneum , near naples .
- 有10吨重的这些东西,是从那不勒斯附近的赫库兰尼姆古城下方的粪坑里面挖出来的。
- That year a catastrophic volcanic eruption of mount vesuvius buried herculaneum , along with its more famous neighbor , pompeii .
- 这一年,维苏威山喷发,毁灭性的火山喷发物埋藏了赫库兰尼姆古城连同与之毗邻更加出名的邻居庞贝古城。
- Scholars from brigham young university ( byu ) deciphered carbonised papyrus found at a villa in herculaneum , which was destroyed by a volcano along with pompeii .
- 布里格姆青年大学(byu)的学者成功解码出赫库兰尼姆村出土的碳化的莎草纸上的文字,该村在和庞贝同时被火山吞没。
- Measuring some 230 feet ( 70 meters ) long , one meter ( three feet ) wide , and about seven to ten feet ( two to three meters ) tall , the large underground structure was first thought to be part of herculaneum 's drainage system .
- 约230英尺(70米)长、一米(3英尺)宽、约七到十英尺(两三米)高,这种大型地下结构最初被认为是赫库兰尼姆的排水系统的一部分。