
Heidemarie 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Two years before she began living completely without money heidemarie had opened a swap shop where people could barter services and goods .
- 在她开始完全不用钱生活的两年前,heidemarie开了一个交换商店,在那里人们可以交换服务和物品。
- In 1996 , heidemarie , a former schoolteacher and psychotherapist , decided to try to live without money for a year as an experiment .
- 海德玛丽以前当过教师和心理治疗师,她于1996年决定作个实验,尝试一下没有钱能不能生活一年。
- Heidemarie has written three books about her experiences .
- 海德玛丽写了三本有关她经历的书。
- Heidemarie lived nomadically , trading gardening , cleaning , and even therapy sessions for food and a place to sleep .
- 海德玛丽过着流浪的生活,帮人做园艺,清洁,甚至做治疗功课来换取食物和栖息之所。
- According to the austrian times heidemarie says she " had become irritated by the greedy consumer society " she was witnessing .
- 据澳大利亚时代杂志报导,heidemarie对她所看到的贪婪的消费者现象很恼火。
- Two years before she began living completely without money , heidemarie had opened a swap shop where people could barter services and goods .
- 在她开始完全没有钱生活两年前,海德玛丽开设了一个交换店,在那里人们可以交换服务和物品。