
Stillbirth 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Dr elham kharazmi , german cancer research center in heidelberg , germany and colleagues found having at least one stillbirth increased the risk of a heart attack by 2.65 times whereas having had more than three miscarries were nine times as likely to have a heart attack before adjustment for other risk factors .
- 在德国海德尔堡癌症研究中心的elhamkharazmi及其同事发现,在考虑其他影响因素之前,有过至少一次死产经历使得心脏病发作的几率增加到原来的2.65倍,而那些多于三次流产的女性则增加到9倍。
- Pregnancy loss by miscarriage or stillbirth affects more than an estimated one million women in the united states annually .
- 据估计,每年在美国因流产或死胎而终止妊娠而受到影响的女性大约有一百万。
- Babies born to obese women face a higher risk of death , stillbirth , congenital abnormality , shoulder dystocia where a baby 's shoulder becomes stuck during birth and an increased likelihood of childhood obesity .
- 由肥胖产妇所生的婴儿更易发生死亡、死胎、先天性畸形、肩位难产(生产过程中婴儿的一个肩膀卡住的现象)和少年肥胖的情况。
- A woman I knew in passing stopped me in a coffee shop and gave me the email of a male friend who had set up a stillbirth support group after the death of his child .
- 我在路上认识的一位女士在咖啡馆拦下我,给我一个男性朋友的电子邮箱,他在自己的孩子死去后建立了一个死产互助团体。
- A mother in central india is more than three times as likely to have a stillbirth as is a mother in india 's southern state of kerala .
- 印度中部的一位母亲,其生出死产儿的几率是印度南部喀拉拉邦的一位母亲的三倍以上。
- Not including the stillbirth , the three miscarriages , and the baby who lived not quite one full day .
- 如果不包括一个胎死腹中、三个流产,和那个活不到1天的婴儿的话。
- Mr obama 's biggest flop to date was the stillbirth of his plan to make israel freeze all settlement on the west bank and the saudis offer better relations with the jewish state .
- 奥巴马迄今为止最大的失败就是让以色列限制在约旦河西岸的定居点以及希望沙特转变对犹太国家态度的计划的流产。
- Books about grief and loss , books about healing and moving on , books specific to stillbirth .
- 关于丧失亲人和哀伤的书,关于疗伤和继续生活的书,关于死产的书……
- But they found women with multiple miscarriages or stillbirth were at higher risk of heart attack .
- 但是他们发现有着多次流产或死胎经历的女性有着更高患心脏病的危险。
- Yet stillbirth remains one of the great unmentionable subjects , until it happens to you .
- 但除非事情发生在自己身上,否则人们非常不愿意提及这个沉痛的话题。