Graber 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mary malone is mr graber 's secretary .
- 玛卡莫隆是格雷勃先生的秘书。
- I wonder if I could see mr graber sometime this week ?
- 我想本周约个时间与格雷勃先生见面,可以吗?
- I 'm afraid mr. graber has appointments for the whole of tuesday .
- 恐怕星期二雷勃先生一整天都有约会。
- The company kirsch " or " graber " bar " or designer to help you choose .
- 作为基尔希或格拉贝人或者设计人棒公司帮助您选择。
- Researchers have found that hot alcoholic drinks can induce superconductivity in iron-based compounds . Cynthia graber reports
- 辛西娅.格拉博报道,研究人员发现,热酒精饮料可以诱发铁基化合物中的超导性。
- But dr. graber said there have been reports of the use of substitutes like castor oil , mineral oil , petroleum jelly and even automobile transmission fluid .
- 但是戈登医生说有报道称会用蓖麻油,矿物油,凡士林甚至是机动车传动油来代替工业硅胶。
- Manuka honey interferes with bacteria infecting a wound by keeping the microbes from attaching to tissue and even by making antibiotics more effective . Cynthia graber reports .
- 来自cynthiagraber的报道,麦卢卡(manuka)蜂蜜能通过阻碍病菌附着于伤口组织上或者让抗生素更有效,从而抑制细菌感染伤口。
- I 'm sorry , mr. dudley . I 'm afraid mr. graber can 't see you today . He 's in the middle of a meeting at the moment .
- 对不起,达德利先生,恐怕格雷勃先生今天不能见您,他正在开会。
- Although side effects are fairly rare , silicone can migrate through the bloodstream , creating potentially fatal clots in the lungs , as it did in ms. pichardo 's case , said dr. nathan m. graber , director of environmental and occupational disease epidemiology for the new york city department of health and mental hygiene .
- 纽约市健康及心理保健部门的环境与职业流行病学主任纳丹.m.戈伯说,虽然副作用相当的罕见,但是硅胶可以通过血液转移到肺部中形成一个致命的凝块,正如皮查多的案例中出现的一样。
- Someone rings mr graber 's office to make an appointment .
- 有人打电话给格雷勃先生的办公室请求约见。