
Bloomberg 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- ( Bloomberg tv via silicon alley insider and techcrunch )
- 【彭博美国电视(BloombergTV)、科技博客SAI(SiliconAlleyInsider)、以及科技博客TechCrunch(TechCrunch)】
- Those developments followed a detailed post-mortem from bloomberg businessweek .
- 《彭博商业周刊》(BloombergBusinessWeek)的一篇悼文详细回顾了MySpace的成长和衰落。
- Well that source was your bloomberg terminal .
- 嗯,那位消息人士就是你的彭博终端。
- It 's not something you had to be a bloomberg reporter or know some obscure function to find out .
- 要查明这些,你不需要是彭博社的记者,也不用知道一些偏门的功能。
- A bloomberg column asserts that evans actually benefited from the greg smith brouhaha .
- 彭博社(Bloomberg)的一篇专栏文章认定,埃文斯事实上受益于格雷格•史密斯风波。
- Will bloomberg rethink its privacy policies ?
- 彭博会对其隐私政策进行反思吗?
- Mayor bloomberg met with the winners for a planning breakfast -- one hopes after they 'd gotten a shower .
- 纽约市市长布隆伯格接见了获胜者,并按预定计划共进了早餐——其中一位获胜者希望能先让他们洗个澡。
- Mayor michael bloomberg called the school " a national model of excellence . "
- 纽约市长迈克尔•布隆伯格称该校为“全国杰出典范”。
- Globally speaking , bloomberg is not alone .
- 从全球范围来讲,有这种想法的人并不是只有布隆伯格一个。
- The revelation that bloomberg reporters were spying on clients came to light after complaints from goldman .
- 彭博记者窥探终端用户的丑闻是在高盛集团发起投诉后曝光的。