
Goldfinger 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Small boys from Chicago to Rome could tell you exactly what 007 said when Goldfinger threatened him with a laser :
- 从芝加哥到罗马小孩子都能确切地说出当金手指用激光枪威胁007时的对白:
- Ginger and powdered gold are beaten into a paste and spread thickly over the body , giving it that Goldfinger look .
- 生姜与金粉捣成的糊状物厚厚地涂抹到全身后,恰似《金手指》里雪莉伊顿的模样。
- Nobody can seriously imagine scenarios like these , which are reminiscent of a James Bond movie with Goldfinger playing the role of a US Fed accounting clerk .
- 没有人能够当真想象出这样的场景,类似于詹姆斯邦德(jamesbond)电影中‘金手指’扮演美联储记账员的角色。