
n.巴拉克拉法帽( balaclava的名词复数 )
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- " It 's like having 200 people in a room wearing balaclavas or ski masks , " he says .
- 他认为:“这像是一间屋子里有200个戴着帽兜或滑雪帽的人。”
- Men with black balaclavas and kalashnikovs stood guard while the investigators rummaged through photograph albums and political leaflets .
- 调查人员四处翻看相册和政治宣传册时,还有人带着黑头套,提着步枪在旁守卫。
- Mrs may hinted that the police should use existing powers to force protesters to remove the balaclavas and face-coverings often worn by rioters .
- may女士暗示到警察应运用现有的权力来强迫抗议者摘下那些劫贩经常带的巴拉克拉瓦帽以及面罩。
- As the night progressed , a mob of 50 demonstrators many wearing full-face balaclavas attacked the car carrying prince charles and camilla , duchess of cornwall , denting its doors and pelting it with paint bombs .
- 当夜幕进展,50名示威暴徒的-许多人穿着全罩式头套-袭击了一辆载查尔斯王子和卡米拉,康沃尔公爵夫人筘国门,油漆炸弹扔了。
- Since last year , the wearing of balaclavas can also be banned during or near protests .
- 2009年以来,头套也可以在临近抗议活动时或其期间被禁止。
- Above , the band 's supporters wearing the group 's signature colorful balaclavas lead a solidarity protest in hamburg , germany on aug. 17 .
- 上图中,戴着乐队标志性鲜艳头套的乐队支持者8月17日在德国汉堡集会,举行抗议活动。
- In manchester , hundreds of youth some clad in balaclavas , others in ski masks fought running battles with police .
- 在曼彻斯特,数百名青年-一些身着绒帽,滑雪面具的人-战斗与警方正在运行的战役。
- He says there were about 100 men some apparently teens but mostly young men in their 20s and even 30s wearing hoodies and balaclavas .
- 他说,共有约100名男子-一些显然是十几岁,但大多在20多岁的年轻男子,甚至30多岁穿着帽衫和绒帽。