


Fiji 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A paradise like fiji comes in more than 50 spots below iceland in happiness rankings .
- 如天堂般的斐济在幸福排名上竟然落后冰岛50多个席位。
- Until he was suspended in october , mr mara was commander of fiji 's biggest regiment .
- 马拉曾担任斐济最大一个步兵团的团长,去年十月被停职。
- Some critics , including overseas fiji pro-democracy campaigners , say the easing of sanctions is premature .
- 一些评论家,包括斐济海外的民主活动家呼吁,解除制裁是首要任务。
- A year later the skull and the bones were examined by a british doctor on fiji .
- 一年后,一名英国医生在斐济对这个颅骨和这些尸骨进行了检查。
- And as late as the 19th century , skull-cups were reportedly used in fiji and other islands in oceania .
- 直到20世纪,据传大洋洲的斐济岛和其它岛屿上还有人使用头骨杯。
- Since I learned to dive here on the yasawa islands , fiji has a special place in my heart .
- 自从我在这里的萨瓦群岛上学会了潜水,斐济就在我心里有着重要的位置。
- It 's also very difficult to get to - you 're looking at sporadic , expensive flights from fiji .
- 它天高地远,很难去访-你只能寻找来自斐济的昂贵零星航班。
- After hearing all about his show and his estate in fiji , I ask robbins to guide my life .
- 在听完了有关他的节目以及他在斐济的房产之后,我请罗宾斯来给我自己做一番人生指南。
- Fiji has coups , the solomons has scandals , and almost all have struggling economies .
- 斐济发生政变,所罗门群岛出现丑闻,而且这些国家的经济形势几乎都是举步维艰。
- Fiji shipped 18 million gallons of bottled water to california , releasing about 2500 tons of transportation-related pollution .
- 斐济海运1800万加仑瓶装水到加利佛利亚,释放大约2500吨运输相关污染物。