
Farmington 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Mr. breslin , the principal , says farmington high sometimes reschedules tests and other events if students complain the pressure is too great . But he doesn 't favor suggestions by some parents that the school limit the advanced-placement courses or activities that students participate in .
- 法明顿高中的校长布雷斯林说,如果学生抱怨压力太大,学校有时会调整考试和其他活动的安排,但他不赞同某些家长建议学校限制学生参加高阶课程和活动的数量。
- Farmington is the place to be to enjoy gorgeous weather !
- 法名是地方是享受华丽的天气!
- Adcb said it was ' induced ' to enter into the farmington transaction in 2007 , which was sold to it as an ' emergency-restructuring transaction ' that would protect it from stanfield victoria 's impending collapse .
- 阿布扎比商业银行表示,其是在“劝诱”之下于2007年购买了farmington,该投资工具销售的名义是“紧急重组交易”,保护其免遭stanfieldvictoria即将崩溃的影响。
- Manoj bhargava , owner of innovation ventures of farmington hills , mich. , the parent company of living essentials , is a new member of the forbes billionaire 's list , thanks to sales of 5-hour energy .
- 马努基·巴尔加瓦是LivingEssentials公司的母公司——创新风投公司(InnovationVentures,位于密歇根州法明顿山)的所有人,最近凭借“5小时能量”饮料的销售登上“福布斯富豪榜”(ForbesBillionaire)。
- Gloria mckelvey has temporarily left the holiday inn express in farmington , new mexico .
- 凯莱麦凯尔维已暂时离开法明顿,新墨西哥快捷假日英寸。
- It isn 't clear how much money the farmington transaction involved .
- 目前还不清楚farmington交易涉及的资金数量。
- Mr. farmington ? Would you take a look at these catalogue ads that roger did ? I don 't think we can use them .
- 法明顿先生?您能看看罗杰做的这个产品目录的广告吗?我觉得我们没法用。
- The housing market collapsed in the warren metro division , which includes troy and farmington hills .
- 沃伦都市区的房地产市场崩盘,其中包括有特洛伊和法明顿山。