
n.魔术师( magician的名词复数 );巫师;术士;施妖术的人
magicians 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These techniques work because the fraternity of magicians and chefs is close-knit .
- 这些技巧奏效的原因在于,魔术师以及厨师之间的同行感情非常紧密。
- The magicians who have pulled off this double trick are thornton greenland of university college , london , and his colleagues .
- 而攻克该双重难题的“魔术师”,则是来自伦敦大学学院的桑顿格陵兰和他的同事。
- Magic journals would not accept the company 's ads , professional magicians shunned its offerings , and bankruptcy soon followed .
- 但魔术杂志不接受该公司的广告,专业魔术师不采用它提供的魔术,很快这家公司就破产了。
- Magicians have done controlled testing in human perception for thousands of years .
- 魔术师对人类感知已经控制了数千年。
- We magicians look pretty good in lab coats , too .
- 我们魔术师穿着白大褂看起来也不错哦。
- I think you 'll see what I mean if I teach you a few principles magicians employ when they want to alter your perceptions .
- 我想,如果我教你几点魔术师想要改变你的感知时所使用的原则,你就会明白我所说的了。
- The multiple acts are performed by a total of 100 artists including doriss girls , dancers , acrobats , magicians and clowns .
- 这个综合性的表演总共是由包括多瑞斯女孩、舞蹈演员、杂技演员、魔术师和小丑在内的100余位艺术家完成的。
- He replied that those who fund science research find magicians " sexier than lab rats . "
- 他回答,那些资助科学研究的人发现魔术师“比实验室里的科学家更性感。”
- Hitler used them to his advantage , as do magicians , orchestra conductors , and surgeons .
- 希特勒利用手,魔术师也是,还有乐队指挥,外科医生。
- Such outright thefts would be hard to imagine today because magicians have developed a professional code of conduct to defend their most valuable property : their ideas .
- 这种公然的盗窃行为在今天是难以想象的,因为魔术师们已经建立了一套职业行为准则,以保护他们最宝贵的财产:创意。