
n.做坏事的人,违法犯罪者,作恶者( wrongdoer的名词复数 )
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- The idea that reading might lead wrongdoers back to the path of righteousness is deeply embedded in the system , and the right to read by adequate light is a legal stipulation .
- 阅读可以把违法者引导回正途这一想法深深植根于监狱系统,且有权在充足的光照下阅读是一项法律规定。
- Laws are often more lenient toward juveniles , but wrongdoers should be punished without mercy .
- 法律通常对青少年较为宽厚,但做坏事的人仍应严惩。
- Yet litigation and criminal charges tend to take years to emerge ; many wrongdoers are able to avoid court .
- 不过,起诉和形式案件通常几年才有,而众多违法和也能避免受指控。
- Mr springer of corporate resolutions describes several recent assignments that turned into a game of technological one-upmanship with suspected wrongdoers .
- “公司决议”公司的斯普林格先生透露说最近承接的几项任务都演变成与违法分子靠技术决高下的游戏。
- Do not be angry because of the wrongdoers , or have envy of the workers of evil .
- 不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行不义的生出嫉妒。
- Used for punishment or reform of criminals or wrongdoers .
- 用来指对罪犯和做错事的人的改造和惩罚。
- I have been a hater of the band of wrongdoers , and I will not be seated among sinners .
- 我恨恶恶人的会,必不与恶人同坐。
- Why do we tolerate abuses of justice that let the innocent suffer and wrongdoers go unpunished .
- 我们为什么要容忍"让无辜者受罚,让作恶者逃罪"这样的滥用司法公正呢。
- Then will I make your ways clear to wrongdoers ; and sinners will be turned to you .
- 我就把你的道指教有过犯的人。罪人必归顺你。
- But instead of moral wrongdoers , so-called class enemies and political opponents were paraded through villages , often with shaming caps placed on their heads .
- 但这次被游街的不是道德越轨者,而是所谓的阶级敌人和政治敌对分子,通常头上戴着表示羞耻的帽子。