

proactive 积极主动的,先发制人的
proactive 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Be proactive about creating this time for yourself and stick to it no matter what .
- 对为你自己创造的时间要有前瞻性而且无论如何都要坚持下去。
- Modern societies , however , measure risks methodically and develop proactive strategies in response .
- 而现代社会则会有条不紊地衡量风险,并相应制定先发制人的策略。
- Fiscal policy may become more proactive in the months ahead , within the boundary of budgeted deficit of 2 % of gdp .
- 未来几个月的财政政策可能会更为积极,但预算赤字不会超过占gdp2%的这一范畴。
- Be proactive and ping past clients about what you can do for them .
- 积极主动地与老客户联系,了解你能为他们做些什么。
- Don 't let your thoughts betray you and instead be proactive about it .
- 不要让你的想法背叛了你,主动抓住它吧。
- On both sides of the atlantic , quarantine was increasingly replaced by better intelligence and proactive measures .
- 大西洋两岸的国家逐渐采用更完善的疾病情报工作和主动防御措施来代替隔离检疫行为。
- Selinux and tools like it are designed to protect you from these flaws by offering proactive security mechanisms .
- selinux和其他类似的工具就是针对此类漏洞设计的,因为它们提供的是一种主动防御的安全机制。
- But when you are proactive , it 's as if yesterday is a kind friend that helps take a load off your back .
- 但如果抓紧时间,积极进取,那么昨天就是一个亲切的好友他帮你卸下了一些担子。
- A more useful and beneficial way is to be proactive , to simply be the one to take the first practical action and get the ball rolling .
- 一种很有用的并且有意的方法就是积极主动,仅仅是一个简单的最初的实际行动让球滚动起来。
- Good communication skill , initiative and proactive .
- 有良好的沟通能力和工作主动精神。