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- " I 'm confident that political parties will come to an agreement , " emilio lozoya , the newly appointed pemex chief executive , told the financial times in his first in-depth interview .
- “我有信心认为,各党将达成一致,”墨西哥国家石油公司(pemex)新近任命的首席执行官埃米利奥洛索亚(emiliolozoya)在首次接受深度专访时对英国《金融时报》表示。
- Retired player of real madrid , emilio butragueno has praised mesut ozil by comparing him to the great ' zinedine zidane ' who probably is the best player in our times .
- 已退役的皇马球员埃米利奥布特拉格诺盛赞梅苏特厄齐尔,将他同这个时代最为伟大的球星齐内丁齐达内相提并论。
- It started when a journalist , emilio silva , penned an article about his grandfather 's death at the hands of a francoist death squad . He went to his grandfather 's home region of el bierzo , in north-western spain , in 2000 . People pointed him to the spot where the body was buried .
- 记者埃米利奥席尔瓦(emiliosilva)在写关于他的祖父死于佛朗哥暗杀组织的文章时,于2000年去了一趟祖父的老家西班牙西北部的埃尔别尔索境内,顺着人们的指引他找到了尸体的埋葬点。
- During those years , emilio azcarraga , the father of the company 's current ceo never hesitated to explain his close relationship with the ruling party .
- 在此期间,Televisa公司现任CEO的父亲艾米里奥•阿兹卡拉贾对于公司与执政党的密切关系,毫不避讳。
- Following the demise of the original pri regime , emilio azcarraga-jean , televisa 's current ceo , told a group of senators " democracy is good business . "
- 革命制度党实行的政治制度垮台之后,Televisa现任CEO艾米里奥•阿兹卡拉贾-让曾对议员表示,“民主是好事。”
- U. k. - based steppes discovery offers a 13-day trip led by ornithologist emilio white in november .
- 总部位于英国的旅行社steppesdiscovery在11月份提供为期13天的旅行,由鸟类学者埃米利奥怀特带领。
- Or to be friends with emilio ?
- 还有做艾米利奥的朋友?
- Emilio ' chiefy ' caligdong , anton del rosario and simon greatwich posed in jewelmer necklaces .
- 球星emilio“chiefy”caligdong、antondelrosario和simongreatwich都参与了jewelmer项链广告的拍摄。
- Until recently , most of the people who came to emilio amaya 's office in san bernardino were working illegally .
- 一直到最近,大多前往圣伯纳迪诺(sanbernardino)的埃米利奥阿玛亚(emilioamaya)办公室的人仍在非法打工。