

insomniac 变化形式
复数: insomniacs
insomniac 失眠患者
insomniac 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Insomniac do not sleep because they worry about it , and they worry about it because they do not sleep .
- 失眠症患者之所以不能入睡,是因为他们担心不能入睡;而他们之所以担心不能入睡,是因为他们不能入睡。
- I am anxious about you , insomniac because of you .
- 为你失眠的是我。
- The city was an insomniac , like me .
- 这个城市和我一样在失眠。
- A recent research discovers that nearly half of chronic insomniac victims suffer from mental diseases .
- 最近有一项研究发现,慢性失眠的患者,近半数是与精神疾病相关。
- Herbal remedies , alcohol and other medications can also make one prone to becoming an insomniac .
- 草药、酒精及其他药物也可以成为一个容易失眠.
- Insomniac do not sleep because they worry about it , and they worry about it because .
- 失眠症患者之所以不能入睡,是因为他们担心不能入睡;而他们之所以担心。
- An insomniac , malhotra says he finds the night more attractive than the day .
- malhotra患有失眠症,他说他发现夜晚比白天更富有魅力。
- In its final incarnation , " insomniac " contains twelve songs in english and three in spanish .
- 最后面世的成品,“不眠症患者”包括了十二首英文歌和色视频三首西班牙文歌。
- My father 's an insomniac so he 's of the very tired during the day .
- 我父亲患失眠症,因此在白天他常觉得很累。
- She 's an insomniac ; she only sleeps for two or three hours a night .
- 她患失眠症,每晚只睡两三个小时。